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Integrated Approach to Technology

            Integrated Approach to Technology

            A technical architecture can provide a competitive advantage to the corporation by utilizing the knowledge gained while serving customers in solving problems.  The architecture can, therefore, develop the knowledge of the business in helping the corporation solve issues (Soudagar, Iyer, & Hildebrand, 2012). Customer experience refers to the interaction of product between the corporation and its customers over certain duration of time. The architecture is therefore necessitated to create an interaction between the firm and the customers by creating, customer’s awareness, attraction, cultivation, discovery and utilization and purchase of the product.  The architecture can, therefore, help the corporation in designing an accurate experience oriented proposition value (Soudagar, Iyer, & Hildebrand, 2012).  This is achieved by dividing consumers into different segments in order to design and implement a design oriented value portion for each. This is essential in gaining a competitive advantage because the needs of the customers are thus classified depending on the segment which increases convenience.  In addition, the architecture can help the corporation in designing strategies to deliver value to the consumers.  This can, therefore, be achieved by giving full focus to the entire corporation on the delivery of value. The CRM tools can assist in storing the consumer’s information in one location where all departments can access easily.  In addition development of the capabilities of the corporation to deliver value over time can assist. This us because those corporation’s that utilize the superior experience of the customers develop the abilities of continuously pleasing the customers (Soudagar, Iyer, & Hildebrand, 2012).

            Vodafone is an example of a corporation that utilizes an integrated strategy in achieving technological effectiveness. Unlike other corporations which utilize traditional strategies of segmenting the consumers on the basis of location, the corporation segments the consumers into high priority international segments (Alkhatib, & Rine, 2009). This includes active, fun, young, seasonal users and others where the designing of the segments the experience of the customers is a priority. The corporation offers the seasonal users with simple mobiles which are straight forward to increase satisfaction.  The young, fun and active users are offered with products that provide everything in one product including games, music and others which boost the experience (Alkhatib, & Rine, 2009).





Alkhatib, G., & Rine, D. C. (2009). Integrated approaches in information technology and web     engineering: Advancing organizational knowledge sharing. Hershey, PA: Information   Science Reference.

Soudagar, R., Iyer, V., & Hildebrand, V. (2012). The customer experience edge: Technology and             techniques for delivering an enduring, profitable and positive experience to your   customers. New York: McGraw-Hill.

425 Words  1 Pages
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