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Your friend, Elvern Entrepreneur, is thinking about opening a business, Pampered Puptown Puppers (PPP), a dog boarding and day care facility. Entrepreneur learns that you are studying Business and asks for your advice selecting a business form for PPP. Yo

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Paper Instructions:

Your friend, Elvern Entrepreneur, is thinking about opening a business, Pampered Puptown Puppers (PPP), a dog boarding and day care facility. Entrepreneur learns that you are studying Business and asks for your advice selecting a business form for PPP. You learn that Entrepreneur will need some capital to open the business, and is reluctant to share control of the business with others. With this information, considering sole proprietorship, partnership, and corporation, which business forms are available to Elvern? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each of the business forms Entrepreneur should consider? Of the forms that Entrepreneur should consider, which do you recommend, and why?

117 Words  1 Pages
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