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As a celebrity, Queen Latifah is constantly bombarded with job offers to promote various products, but it is important for her to choose these jobs wisely. Because she knows who she is and has firm values in her life, she isn’t going to take a job that wi

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

As a celebrity, Queen Latifah is constantly bombarded with job offers to promote various products, but it is important for her to choose these jobs wisely. Because she knows who she is and has firm values in her life, she isn’t going to take a job that will compromise her values.

Using the three strengths you identified in the Webtext, explain how those strengths can be used to build confidence in the workplace area you chose in Week 2. If you didn’t identify an area to improve your confidence, please go back to Week 2 to complete that portion of the Webtext.
Those three strengths, problem-solving, goal setting, coping with setbacks.
Please use no citations or references. Only one paragraph.

131 Words  1 Pages
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