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Explain and give a personal example of what is meant by a good being excludable, by a good being rival in consumption, a public good, and a common resource. - Are the externalities associated with public goods generally positive or negative?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Explain and give a personal example of what is meant by a good being excludable, by a good being rival in consumption, a public good, and a common resource. - Are the externalities associated with public goods generally positive or negative?


Explain and give a personal example of what is meant by a good being excludable, by a good being rival in consumption, a public good, and a common resource.

- Are the externalities associated with public goods generally positive or negative?

- During COVID-19 is health care a private or a public good. Please explain.

Use examples in your answer 

- Are the externalities associated with common resources generally positive or negative?

Use examples in your answer 

- Give an example of a free rider in society. Can you think of ways the government or the private market can solve the problem with free riders? 

- Give an example of a free rider in your life. Can you think of ways the government or the private market can solve the problem with your specific free rider?

52 Words  1 Pages
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