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How Options, Futures Markets, and Securities Can Be Used in Your Investment Program

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Paper Instructions:

How Options, Futures Markets, and Securities Can Be Used in Your Investment Program

In your paper,

Explain the nature of an option security and the uses of futures markets securities to shape investment portfolios.
Explain how individuals and businesses can use options and futures markets instruments to create speculating opportunities and reduce their investment risk exposure.
Outline and explain a put and call purchase strategy that will allow you to use $10,000 to control 100 shares of the common stock in your portfolio.
Describe some of the essential similarities and differences between options and futures.
The How Options, Futures Markets, and Securities Can Be Used in Your Investment Program paper,

Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.

Common stock, NKE, Costco

Ying, J., Chen, Y., & Dorfman, J. H. (2019). Flexible Tests for USDA Report Announcement Effects in Futures Markets. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 101(4), 1228–1246.

Rastogi, S., & Athaley, C. (2019). Volatility Integration in Spot, Futures and Options Markets: A Regulatory Perspective. 12(2), 1–15.

Smart, S.B., Gitman, L.J., & Joehnk, M.D. (2017). Fundamentals of investing (13th ed.). Retrieved from

222 Words  1 Pages
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