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Use the company or organization you selected for the Week 5 social media policy assignment

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Use the company or organization you selected for the Week 5 social media policy assignment. 

Design a comprehensive Internal Communication Plan for this same organization based on what you have learned from course content and other research.

Create a business proposal for an Internal Communication Plan of approximately 650 words including the following:
•Explanation of why an Internal Communication Plan is needed (You may wish to assume that an internal communication audit has been completed.)
•The overall strategy
•The implementation process
•Ongoing support and alignment
•Organizational goals
•Roles of key players
•Communication flow
•Necessary resources
•Evaluation measures

Key indicators of mastery:
•Application of course material about Internal Communication Plans ◦Why are they needed?
◦How are Internal Communication Plans different (in purpose and audience) than an external communication strategy?
◦What role would a communication audit play in the development of the plan?

•Properly identifies the Who, What, When, Where, How, and Why elements of an internal communication plan
•Anticipates necessary resources (both physical ones such as money and manpower, but also leadership support as a “resource”)
•Provides a framework for how to assess its effectiveness

194 Words  1 Pages
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