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Discuss the types of positions that you think will be most impacted by non-traditional work arrangements

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Non-traditional work is becoming more common.  These employment arrangements are growing rapidly among technical and professional employees.  Write a paper in APA format that addresses the following:
Discuss the types of positions that you think will be most impacted by non-traditional work arrangements. 
Using the five types of contract human capital noted in table 2.4, briefly discuss the anticipated impact to business.  To the individual? 
What is your assessment of the future of talent management related to these 5 types? 

Figure 2.4 Contract Human Capital
Defined as any non-employee worker of an organization, including the following:
- temporary employees
- consultants 
- independent contractors
- strategic partnerships
- outsourced/offshore employees

Practices for Engaging the 21st Century Workforce by William G. Castellano

Use textbook and at least two other peer reviewed sources to answer the questions. Each question should be under its own formatted heading.

157 Words  1 Pages
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