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How Nike uses social media as a marketing and branding tool

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Pick a company that uses social media as a marketing and branding tool. I would like you to use Nike as the company. Review at least three social media accounts your company of choice uses and assess the following:
1.In your opinion, what kind of image is the company trying to create using their social media accounts? Please use specific examples (tweets, Facebook posts, etc.)
2.How does this company use social media as a branding tool? How are they conveying what they are and do through social media?
3.Are users responding to the company's social media posts? If so, how are they responding?
4.Do you think the company you are assessing has an effective strategy for using social media as a marketing tool?

Please write this paper in essay format, not question and answer format.  

Your paper should be 500-750 words in length.

Use the APA writing style for the paper.

At least two sources should be used and cited in APA style. You are encouraged to use specific examples from social media accounts to support your point of view.

List your sources in a references page at the end of your paper.

209 Words  1 Pages
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