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the evolution of IS (information systems) within a particular industry (your choice, such as manufacturing, banking, etc

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

We have covered documentation, database management, internal controls, and system processes during the past few weeks. Prepare a paper examining the evolution of IS (information systems) within a particular industry (your choice, such as manufacturing, banking, etc). Conduct research on how information systems have impacted your chosen industry. Discuss the pros and cons of information systems. Think about ways systems have revolutionized the way we do business – from both locally to globally. Link our course topics to specific examples of how your industry has changed the way it conducts business. Has it made it more efficient? If so, how? Be creative. Illustrations and visuals are welcome. This paper should be a minimum of 2,000 words.  Ten to fifteen sources are required. APA style should be followed. 

139 Words  1 Pages
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