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please write a report about quantitative research and quantitative trading/investing strategies

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

  • 12 Pt & Times New Roman.
    1. Types of quantitative research in the financial markets
    2. General types of quant trading/investing strategies in the financial markets
    3. The history and development of quant trading/investing, and the future of quant trading/investing
    4. What are the quant strategies that still work currently, and what don’t? You can refer to online reports and materials.
    5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of quant (system) investing/trading compared to discretionary trading/investing?
    6. Reasons why some quantitative strategies don’t work anymore?
    7. What are the top 20 quantitative hedge funds in the world by 2020(if you can find data for 2020, please find the most recent years as you can) ranked by asset under management (AUM) and also please list their official websites’ links
139 Words  1 Pages
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