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Complete independent research to illustrate the forum selection clauses for three different companies such as eBay,, and Youtube.

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Complete independent research to illustrate the forum selection clauses for three different companies such as eBay,, and Youtube.

Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each forum selection clause from the consumer’s perspective.

Provide your perspective relative to the effectiveness of each.

Based on your research prepare a position paper to share with Executives to compare and contrast the entities that you selected.

The Position paper should be 2-3 pages long single spaced and with discussion bullets that you would use to discuss your perspective.  Include an Introduction and conclusion.

What Else does this REALLY mean?....... What is the Impact?..... What would you do...  What would you suggest...  

What are the short and long term effects, and dependencies of the position that you are presenting....... What is your thought provoking break through perspective?

145 Words  1 Pages
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