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Your task here is threefold. First, choose a product or service that has disappointed you in the near past. Opt for something manageable like an experience at a below average restaurant, a dysfunctional electronic item, etc., as opposed to the purchase

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Your task here is threefold.  First, choose a product or service that has disappointed you in the near past.  Opt for something manageable like an experience at a below average restaurant, a dysfunctional electronic item, etc., as opposed to the purchase of something large like a car.

Second, find the name and address of the business or person that you believe would be the most suitable party to receive a letter of complaint and issue redress for your grievance. For example, this might be a customer service center, a manager of a restaurant, etc. Email Rae, our TA, if you have any problems with this part of the task and she will assist you. 

Third, and comprising your main task, write a formal letter (1-page) in which you explain when you purchased the good or service, what the nature of your problem with it was, and what you expect them to do for you as a result of your disappointment. 

Finally, proofread your letter and submit it to the professor on the due date.

Good letters follow these points:

1.    Clear and consistent formatting. Your letter should look formal and professional (normally, you would use what is called “Full Block”; see example).
2.    Details about the purchase: who are you? why did you buy the product in the first place? Provide a good description of the purchase, including as many of these as possible: date, time, and location of where services were rendered, name of a salesperson you dealt with, name and location of store you purchased item from, receipts, account numbers, etc.
3.    Exact reasons for disappointments (not merely voicing dissatisfaction)
4.    Be direct in what you ask for. What do you want? Why are you writing this letter? Do you want a replacement? Do you want a coupon towards a future purchase? Do you want cash back?
5.    Avoid all grammatical, mechanical, spelling, and/or other format errors.


342 Words  1 Pages
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