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Groupon Case Study

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Read closely and review the Groupon Case Study. This assignment will assess your ability to assess enterprise strategy and make decisions that align with it. 

The paper should address the following 4 questions:

1. How does Groupon create value and for whom is this value created? How does Groupon create value and for whom is this value created?
2. Could a less sales-intensive approach like Groupon stores be the next phase of product growth?
3. Which competitive model should Groupon worry most about? Why?
4. If you managed a project in Groupon's environment, how would you ensure your project is aligned with Groupon's overall strategy?

Remember, this paper needs to be original to this class and in your own words.  While outside sources are allowed, your paper should be overwhelmingly your own words.

Papers with more than 10% citations will have points heavily deducted!

155 Words  1 Pages
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