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prepare on a reflection of the most influential knowledge, skills, attitudes, and/or awareness of social, economic and environmental sustainability you gained as a result of your sustainability assignments.

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

For this assignment, prepare on a reflection of the most influential knowledge, skills, attitudes, and/or awareness of social, economic and environmental sustainability you gained as a result of your sustainability assignments.

You do not need to reflect on all three aspects (social, economic and environmental sustainability) of your experiences. Choose one of your experiences and clearly state and reflect on that area

In your essay, reflect on the following:

Prior to starting this class, describe your understanding of sustainability issues.
How did you acquire that knowledge?
How has your learning "shifted" your way of thinking, behaving, or communicating about sustainability?
What will you do differently from this learning to improve sustainability in the future?
Reflect on how sustainability would or would not apply in your chosen profession.

138 Words  1 Pages
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