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Define what is an Entrepreneur and explain / summarize what entrepreneurs do and describe the five basic ways they find opportunities to create new businesses

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

1-Define what is an Entrepreneur and explain / summarize what entrepreneurs do and describe the five basic ways they find opportunities to create new businesses as indicated in chapter 1. 

2-What is the goal of market positioning and explain the four basic ways of market segmentation as indicated in chapter 4?

3-How can you handle customer complaints effectively and how can you provide excellent customer service as indicated in chapter 6?

4-Identify and explain the three types of business financing indicated in chapter 10.

5-Define contracts and why are contracts the building blocks of business as indicated in chapter 11.
In order to receive full credit for your discussion question your response to every posting should be at least 100 words and you must provide a logical answer from the chapter readings.

144 Words  1 Pages
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