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Your highest performing and tenured manager of a 20-person department unexpectedly submitted their two weeks’ notice. Your next-most tenured employee in the department has only 2 years of experience. Additionally, there is a major hospital chain in your area that seems to have the first pick recruiting the talent you need.

Develop a 3- to 4-page strategic plan that outlines priorities and steps to mitigate the impact of your employees' rapid departure.

Propose a recruitment plan to fill the managerial position.

Develop a pre-boarding checklist and an onboarding plan covering an employee’s first 30, 90, and 180 days with performance metrics. 

Identify policies and practices that could have been put in place to proactively avoid this situation.

Cite at least 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

89 Words  1 Pages
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