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Which of the following should be regarded as more representative of trends in American culture in the era of network television (from, roughly, the late 1950s to the early 1980s): the career of Muhammad Ali, or the growth of the NFL?

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Paper Instructions:

Which of the following should be regarded as more representative of trends in American culture in the era of network television (from, roughly, the late 1950s to the early 1980s): the career of Muhammad Ali, or the growth of the NFL?

Draw as broadly as possible on assigned course readings and lectures in the construction of your answer.  It will be evaluated based on quality of answer, quality of prose, and level of familiarity it demonstrates with assigned course materials.  Responses which demonstrate mastery of assigned readings and course themes will score well.  Responses which demonstrate ignorance of assigned readings and/or course themes will score poorly, no matter what other merits they might possess.  For this reason, you are strongly advised to limit your materials to those presented in the course.

142 Words  1 Pages
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