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Changes in Emergency and disaster response over the last 100 years

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Pick one of the following types of disasters in the United States, and present how disaster response and emergency management have changed (or not changed) over the last 100 years for that type of disaster:
fires, or
man-made accident disasters (not terrorism).

Recommend further improvements in your concluding slide. Describe how lessons learned from 1900 to present time contributed to improved disaster planning and response.

Your presentation should be a minimum of 10 slides, not counting the title slide or reference slide. You must include a minimum of five images in your presentation. These images should be appropriate and support the content of the presentation. In addition, you are required to include speaker notes that further explain the content of the slides. You should include at least three sources, and cite and reference any information from those sources in APA format.

156 Words  1 Pages
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