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To critically assess and compare UK's current techniques with other solutions as well as make recommendations to manage the spread of plastics in the oceans.

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Paper Instructions:

You need to add 825 words to this research project. Existing project has 1034 words excluding references. The final project should be a written report of approximately 1,900 words in length.

AIM: To critically assess and compare UK's current techniques with other solutions as well as make recommendations to manage the spread of plastics in the oceans.

Elaborate further on the general problem, importance of addressing it and aim of the work in your submitted research project, so that these are clear and directly set from the start (introduction).

Introduction, You should use in your report techniques such as soft systems techniques such CATWOE, rich pictures or systems maps, to look at the problem you are trying to explore. Explain your viewpoint that you are researching and that of other stakeholders.

Legislation, In this section you should look at the environmental legislation that is appropriate to what you are researching and depending on your systems boundary include national, European and international legislation, where relevant. You will need to briefly explain what relevance the legislation has and give the appropriate references. Would public enquiries be involved?

Environmental impact, (the environmental impact of the topic and possible mitigations) (RISK)
You need to look here at the environmental impact your topic would have. For this section you could use soft systems techniques such as an Environmental Impact Statement, environmental footprinting or NPVs to assess what environmental effect the topic could have. (These could be positive or negative effects).

Stakeholders (Consideration of stake holder groups, their opinions and acceptance of mitigations) (RESPONSIBILITY)
In this section you could revisit your introduction to see what progress you have made in critically assessing the environmental risk of your topic and who is responsible for this risk. This gives you the opportunity to explore other stakeholders in your topic e.g. sea creatures/ fishermen for the Ocean Plastics. You could compare various other solutions here with techniques such as Kepner-Tregoe and explain how you interacted with other students etc.

343 Words  1 Pages
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