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That Evening Sun

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Complete the pre-writing outline and submit. Include your thesis statement.
Pre-determine the literary devices to be used as a catalyst to prove the thesis statement.
Search through the text of the story to find meaningful quotes--quotes that authenticate  points.
Your essay must have 1-2 quotes per body paragraph.
Include in-text citations for all borrowed material: quoted, summarized, or paraphrased.
Use lead-ins for all quotes.
You are using the primary source only, but must have a Work Cited  page for the story. Work Cited is the last page of the essay.
Compose the rough draft and edit.
Write in literary present tense and third person.
Submit the final draft of the literary essay.
Base your essay on the following story:  (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)  (Links to an external site.)
"That Evening Sun" by William Faulkner

158 Words  1 Pages
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