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Paper Instructions:

Module 1 - SLP
I want you to write a short story.

Well no, not really. But I want you to begin one.

Write an abstract. IF you were to write a short story, what would you write about?

Write one page describing the story you would write. Make sure the story is centered around technology, and how technology has changed your world.

SLP Assignment Expectations
Write one page explaining what you think will make your story successful. What elements of your story will help communicate to the reader the problems you face in today's technical world?

Bonus Question completed separate at the end of the assignment above (please title it bonus question after the story above?

In “The Open Boat,” Crane is careful to show how each member of the boat is affected (positively or negatively) by his familiarity with technology and the chances of survival. Still, not all who are technologically savvy make it. In a few paragraphs, rewrite Crane’s cast of characters using modern day professions, making sure to describe how each person’s expertise affects his or her chance of survival.

198 Words  1 Pages
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