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Yalom Book Review

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

1: Read PDF

2: Follow the instructions below to write the essay. A template has been attached please use it. 

State the big idea (thesis) of the book in a single sentence (3 max.).  
Write it briefly, clearly, and precisely as possible. 
You may describe the subject matter and author of the book.
If the author provided an overview of the book in the front materials, use that material to summarize what the book is about. 

Explain the big idea in your own words. 
You might start by saying, “In other words….” 
Write a paragraph for each chapter you read.
ÿ    State the big idea of the first chapter you read. Then discuss this chapter.
ÿ    State the big idea of the second chapter you read.
ÿ    State the big idea of the third chapter you read. And so on. 
Discuss highlights, important ideas, research, historical, cultural, and social issues? 
Discuss the content of several chapters.

Give a good example of what you just elaborated.  
Try using your own original example.
You may use an example from the book, lecture notes, or class discussion.  
You may choose a contrasting example. 
You might start by saying, “For example, ….”  
In addition, provide an illustration to create a picture of what is being discussed: graph, diagram, concept map, analogy, simile, metaphor.

What did you find interesting? What value does this book add to the subject matter? What will readers gain by reading this book? Why would you recommend this book to a friend?

267 Words  1 Pages
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