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Controversial Issues Ten Point Model

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Please review and respond to the "Controversial Issues Ten Point Model" in your textbook on pages 19-22 and quote from the textbook at least once in your response. Do you agree or disagree with the textbook's advice? What's your opinion on these issues from the perspective of a parent, teacher, librarian, and/or general citizen? Do you agree that we should discuss difficult issues and not ignore them? Do any issues stand out to you more than others? If so, why? 

When quoting from your textbook, make sure you introduce your quote and provide an in-text citation. A sentence in your post might look like this: Charlotte Huck’s A Brief Guide to Children’s Literature emphasizes that the controversial issues 10-point model helps students understand “what they know and what they think they know about an issue” (Kiefer and Tyson 21).

For each discussion post, please read and respond to at least two of your classmates in letter format.  Write him/her a reflective response, expand on one of their ideas, ask a question, politely disagree, add a new point, etc.  This will create a true virtual "discussion."  Also, remember that your original discussion post must be at least 300 words.

210 Words  1 Pages
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