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Foucault treats madness not as a object in the history of psychiatry, but as a societal phenomenon

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Foucault: In his book, “Foucault-Lexikon,” Michael Ruoff writes: “Foucault treats madness not as a object in the history of psychiatry, but as a societal phenomenon.” [my translation]. Go back to the Foucault material that we covered in class and elaborate Ruoff’s distinction!

[...] These writing assignments will be at least 3 pages in length (12 pt, Times New Roman, 1.5- spaced, 1 inch margins). [...]
In these papers you are asked to respond to and elaborate on a question. It will require you to do a close reading, to elaborate on a specific aspect of the text and to develop a strong analysis and interpretation of one of the texts discussed in class. You should not simply summarize plot or class discussion, but rather expand on ideas and discussions by making strong arguments and by using the text as evidence

156 Words  1 Pages
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