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why the pledge of allegiance should be revised by Gwen Wilde

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

Purpose  :The goal of this assignment is to increase your ability to understand what you read and to be able to summarize it in a clear, concise, and objective manner.

Task  :Write an objective summary of an essay. Assume you are writing this summary for people who have not read the essay but who are interested in the topic.

Evaluation  : Your summary should be in your own words and should accurately, fairly, and objectively reflect the major claim and major supporting ideas of the essay. You should not include any quotes in this paper, as it should focus on the author’s  overall  ideas.

Your paper should be clear and contain few--if any--mechanical errors. Failure to bring the practice summary or other prewriting on the date due for such work can lower the grade for this paper.

Format  :The final summary should be at least 400 words. The entire paper will be written in class on Thursday, June 9. You must attend class to receive credit for this assignment.

178 Words  1 Pages
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