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The sopranos

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer 

The paper must be single spaced and it is for my discourse analysis course. We must watch the clip on the show the Sopranons. 
Here is the link for it: 
Can you also do some research about the show so you can have a better understanding of what you have to do. 
This is what I need to do 
Broke down the transcription into pentatic ratio and used the speaking model to identify the most important factors in the video

This is the speaking model
Speaking Model:
Setting & Scene: Dr. Melfi’s office in New Jersey. The fact that this scene takes place in New Jersey maybe important to note because there is a large Italian population there. 
Act Sequence:
Key: (tone) The tone is very important to note in this scene. Tony takes a very relaxed, informal tone when speaking to Dr. Melfi. By referring to her as Hun as opposed to Doctor, may indicate that he has a misogynistic view of women. 

178 Words  1 Pages
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