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In their analysis of Canadian and Québécois literature, critics often focus on issues of identity, how these literary works represent or contribute to the legitimization of Canadian or Québécois specificity

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Paper Instructions:

In their analysis of Canadian and Québécois literature, critics often focus on issues of identity,
how these literary works represent or contribute to the legitimization of Canadian or Québécois
specificity. However, several texts we have studied this year deconstruct the concept of
Francophone identity, by reflecting on overlapping identities (Francophone and NorthAmerican)
or opening up the concept of identity to cultural plurality. In other texts, the question
of national identity appears to be quite secondary to themes of interpersonal relationships or the
search for personal authenticity. With reference to at least three different texts we have studied
this year, discuss how you perceive the importance of identity as a key theme in Québécois


Introd. Priscila Uppal, Illust. Mary Meigs. Toronto: Exile Editions, 2009; Brossard, Nicole. Mauve Desert. Trans. Susanne de Lotbinière-Harwood. Toronto: Coach House Press, 1987; Hébert, Anne. In the Shadow of the Wind. Trans. Sheila Fischman. Toronto: Stoddart, 1983; Poulin, Jacques. Volkswagen Blues Trans. Sheila Fischman. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1988; Proulx, Monique. Aurora Montrealis. Trans. Matt Cohen. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 1997; Roy, Gabrielle. The Cashier, Trans. Harry Binsse. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1955; Thuy, Kim. Ru. Trans. Sheila Fischman. Toronto: Random House Canada, 2012; Tremblay, Lise. The Hunting Ground. Trans Linda Gaboriau. Vancouver: Talonbooks, 2006. Other texts will be available in a course kit, or through the Internet.

232 Words  1 Pages
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