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What is a hero? Is the true meaning of the word being diluted in today's media? Is someone who saves a jogger from a dog a hero? Is someone who enlists in the military and goes to combat for or her country a hero?

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Paper Instructions:

The topic I chose was," What is a hero? Is the true meaning of the word being diluted in today's media"? I chose this topic because it is something which interests me. Working in the professions I have chosen this is a word that gets thrown around all the time. Working in law enforcement and the military you hear this word quite often. In my opinion it is used very loosely in the media today. I used Google fight to determine if there were enough resources available for me to write a good paper on the subject. In today's media you see the word quite often. I guess you might say I see it differently. I say this because working in my line of work when we do something that could be construed as heroism; I see it as just doing our job. When you sign up to work in this kind of profession we do not do things just to be called hero, we do them because it is our job and we choose to protect people and put our lives on the line. I don’t consider it being a hero, I consider it being a good person and doing the right thing. Are some of the acts we perform heroism, absolutely. But some of them are just doing what we are paid to perform.

236 Words  1 Pages
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