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legalized and illegal marijuana has become a great topic for the United State of America media

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Paper instructions:

Construct a persuasive research paper in 1,750 to 2,000 words, formatted consistent with APA guidelines.
Include the following elements:
•    Title page
•    Introduction and a thesis statement
•    Body with supporting evidence and in-text citations
•    Conclusion
•    Reference list with at least five to seven sources, at least three of which must come from the University Library
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Below is what I started and what I think of the topic. Maybe this will give you an idea of what to write.

Marijuana shall not be legal or illegal  

For over many years, legalized and illegal marijuana has become a great topic for the United State of America media and it keeps me wondering that why has it become such a hot topic for the United State and some how it can be grown here in some state and the funny part is it use for medical treatment. It has become one of the most topic that is all over the media, those that are against marijuana said it harmless those that are not against provide facts of how good it can be if it legalized in state. I think that it has becomes the world recreational usage and attention, as it is a great topic to keep the media going and it does help for those who need for medical use. It should just be left alone because It’s doesn’t even matter if it legalized or illegal anymore, it has already been pass down from generation and it got to this century were it can not be terminated anymore because It have been exist for too long. The United State media should just really take it too consideration and look at the real picture. I don’t think I would agree with either one, to legalized or illegal marijuana. 

317 Words  1 Pages
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