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Exploring a Personal Experience or Event

A Reflective essay Exploring a Personal Experience or Event

            In this essay, I will reflect on a tragedy that happened in school. We normally here of tragedies happening in life but in most cases we just read them in our news. It really feels sad to be a witness of an unexpected tragedy. This happened during a school competition that resulted into an immense fight. After a long period of preparation and every student was longing for the day, we came to the ground very early expecting a day full of excitement. The last game was a football match which I was one of the participants. It was a sudden incident when one of our players injured the opponent and caused a fight back. The game had to stop immediately and was replaced by a fight. I had never been a victim of such a circumstance and I did not like witnessing such happening before my classmates. And due to the fact that we were in an enclosed place, I had nowhere to run but to witness everything. I also had one worry that I may not be injured. It was so terrible that no one could bring the fight to calm but it was until the police force was informed and they had to rush in. The fight resulted into death of three students whom I witnessed with my own eyes. These incident affected my life for a long time because one of the students was my classmates. That mood of sorrow was observed by each one of us in class for a relatively long period because no one could imagine that anything could happen.


Williams, K. (2012). Reflective Writing. Palgrave Macmillan.

284 Words  1 Pages
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