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Why I want a wife

Definition Essay

Definition essay of what a husband or a wife is

According to Syfers’ essay of “why I want a wife”, a wife is viewed as a person  who is ready and willing to execute a multiple duties in a home. She defines a wife by listing a number of roles that a wife must play in a home (Syfers, 1971). For instance, a wife is to take care of children, ensure cleanliness in a home, cook food for the family. In general, basing on Syfers’ view of a wife, we can conclude that a wife needs to be subject to a husband. On the other hand, a husband is the controller of a home and will always instruct the wife on what to be done.

Defining the term flaky

Flaky can be defined in various forms for instance forming flakes or thin crispy fragments. In other words it can also be referred to an unreliable person especially in keeping social arrangements.

Defining patriotism using persuasion

According to Kasugan, it is patriotic when a nation supports their daughters and sons to fight but again the government should not support the decision of going to war (Kasugan, 2005). He defines true patriots as ones who question the government, vote and those who respect the rights of others.

Defining a home in a unique way

A home is far more than what people think is a place. A home is a concept made up of many elements implying that a creation of a home involves many elements for example a home can be felt. Meaning when you feel you are somewhere, it means you are in a home.


Syfers, Judy. "Why I Want a Wife.” CWLU Herstory Website. 1971.
Read the following student essay available on the web:

Kasugan, Sean. "American Patriots: Soldiers, Citizens, Voters.” Northland Community and Technical College. 10 February 2005.

315 Words  1 Pages
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