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Ken Miller- Speech

Ken Miller- Speech

One has to get what they want through demanding it as it cannot be granted without their demand.  This can be related to the saying that freedom can never be granted by the oppressed without the one that is oppressed demanding it (Miller, 2016).  With time life offers lessons that enable us to do things the better way as we make mistake and get the desire of doing things better (Miller, 2016).  There are always better things or better people that offer challenges to us as we learn but this acts as a motivation as individuals are able to look up to them.

Leaning different lessons in life is a continuous thing. Criticism must be experienced at the particular period when one is trying to gain knowledge (Miller, 2016). This is mainly because the world tends to provide different experiences from what an individual perceives. In the case of Oklahoma, income tax collection is crucial in determining the amount of money that is left for individuals to spend. As energy producing a state in America is facing a difficult situation based on increased corporation’s competition.  The gross tax has decreased gradually in the recent years but the state can be regarded as stable (Miller, 2016).

Despite the fact that in the state the prices of purchasing products as well as an investment have been decreasing the value of the home property has not decreased unlike most of the cities in America (Miller, 2016). The home valuation has decreased a bit in the recent years and this has thus resulted in an increase in the purchasing power in the state. Raising taxes in the state helps in raising the total revenue collected by this decreases the purchasing.  In the state, the price of commodities is rising and decreasing which does not reflect stability. The state’s budget should be balanced because there is a great revenue problem. This is the state that is causing the standard of living to rise. Education has to be developed and set minimum incomes (Miller, 2016).






Miller, K. (2016). The Last. State Treasurer Oklahoma, Audio.

352 Words  1 Pages
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