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After reading Kasugan's essay, write a definition essay that uses persuasion to define the term patriotism.

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Paper instructions:

For this exercise, you will write a 3-4 paragraph rough draft of a definition essay. You may choose from the following pool of topics:
After reading Syfers' essay, write your own definition essay of what a husband or wife is.
With the purpose of entertaining and/or informing, define the term flaky.
After reading Kasugan's essay, write a definition essay that uses persuasion to define the term patriotism.
Try writing a definition essay of a familiar term, such as home or trees but approach it in a unique way.

Read the web article:
Syfers, Judy. "Why I Want a Wife.” CWLU Herstory Website. 1971.
Read the following student essay available on the web:
Kasugan, Sean. "American Patriots: Soldiers, Citizens, Voters.” Northland Community and Technical College. 10 February 2005.
Read the following sample definition essay:
"The Real Meaning of Honesty.” English Works! At Gallaudet University. 1 June 2001.
Read the following web article from ProQuest:
Khol, Ronald. "Exactly What is High Tech?” Machine Design 72.12 (2000): 14. ProQuest.
Read the web article "Developing a Definition”


186 Words  1 Pages
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