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You were introduced to philosopher Jeremy Bentham and his idea of utilitarianism in this unit’s readings. Analyze his ideas that a nation should do whatever is necessary to lead to the greatest possible happiness for the largest possible number of people

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Paper Instructions:

For this assignment, you will be presented with five issues. Please respond to all five issues in one cohesive essay. Please include a brief introduction and use Level I headings to differentiate between the five issues.

You were introduced to philosopher Jeremy Bentham and his idea of utilitarianism in this unit’s readings. Analyze his ideas that a nation should do whatever is necessary to lead to the greatest possible happiness for the largest possible number of people in society and that man was a “calculating animal” who would balance pain and suffering versus gain when deciding to commit a criminal act. Do you agree with this? Argue your point using research to support your answer.
Based on the pure communist social model, how does capitalism lead to crime? Analyze and argue both sides of this issue.
Analyze whether developmental disabilities are a cause of criminal behavior. Take a stance on this issue and argue your point using research as support.
Describe, in your opinion, how a criminal personality is developed. No sources are required for this section.
Assume class division in society causes crime. What is a viable alternative to this system? Analyze and argue both sides of your proposed solution. In your answer, you should identify five major theoretical approaches of identifying criminal causes of behavior and describe which of these would support your proposed solution.

239 Words  1 Pages
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