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Your core understandings hopefully include insights about group theory, dynamics, therapeutic factors, group leadership skills, practical approaches to groups (for example, screening), types of groups, ethical and culturally relevant strategies, and appli

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

It is our hope that you learned a great deal about group counseling from this course.

Your core understandings hopefully include insights about group theory, dynamics, therapeutic factors, group leadership skills, practical approaches to groups (for example, screening), types of groups, ethical and culturally relevant strategies, and applications to promote academic and social/emotional growth.

From your personal point of view, state some of your most profound insights from the course. Consider and integrate your learning from Jones, Jones, and Vermette's 2011 article, "Six Common Lesson Planning Pitfalls – Recommendations for Novice Educators," and Young and Kaffenberger's 2013 article, "Making Data Work: A Process for Conducting Action Research."

Review an article that interests you, published within the past five years, from The Journal for Specialists in Group Work, and also integrate it into your post. We hope you are able to successfully consolidate and apply what you have learned from this course directly to your experience during Track 2 residency, or as a future group counselor. You have the skills and insights to be a tremendously effective group counselor.

191 Words  1 Pages
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