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Involvio app

Market Analysis

Mobile apps assist people to get updated on the daily happenings timely and precisely therefore very essential to human survival. Students are the biggest market target for apps since at many times they need to communicate and share with their friends whatever they want. The univibe network is one of the apps that have been developed and which in due time, will make a difference in the universities all around the world. Reaching the universities is beneficial especially due to the different cultural groups and settings in the universities (Shah, 2017). The market share for univibe will most likely be obtained from the different advertisements done by the promoters and interested parties in the universities. Competitive advantage will range from a number of placements especially globally. International companies can also use the app to advertise their products on the same app, therefore, increasing the earning capability of the app.

Involvio app generates the capability of the universities and the colleges to monitor and walk the journey through orientation until the graduation period for the students. The app has generally reached many students and many universities and is being used widely. The five-year financial focus is based on the success of the app to almost every university in the world (Gil, 2013). As much as the app is used to engage the students with the management, the earnings will be generated according to how many higher learning institutions will be interested in joining. Market share similarly is sizeable since it has set the way forward for the students to engage in a one on one basis with the app including the performance of the students. Being notified of every move on the campus and around the campus is a good strategy. 




Gil Morales, C. (2013). Multieffects processor (Bachelor's thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya).

Shah, S. (2017). Univibe stories. Retrieved from:

314 Words  1 Pages
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