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Design and Planning of a Closed-loop Supply Chain (CLSC)

Design and Planning of a Closed-loop Supply Chain (CLSC) Article Review

This article’s purpose was to address the upward trend that notably that occurred leading to more focus on reverse logistics and in accumulation to the forward chain. This because of all that have happened over the past decade the likes of economic benefit and social responsibility. This has led to a comprehensive review on the CLSC literature and reverse logistics (Pankaj, Debabrata, Frank, & Magnus, 2015). Majorly the outcome was expected to an effect by supporting a variety of the support in future research concerning what direction to be taken. There on this note the article is much centered on the design and planning of a CLSC in the presence of the mentioned three way recovery options and the buy-back offer.

One, this covers the process involved in the collection of the products that are to be used. The recovery activities of the CLSC program is dependent on the efficient and effective collection of the used products. Subsequently to realize this, introduction of acquisition and financial incentives played a big role. However it involved some study to understand the relationship between the process and the introduced incentives (Pankaj, Debabrata, Frank, & Magnus, 2015). Currently, the conducted studies about the TPRL network design hiccups and their association with quantity of the returns realized. The CLSC performance have been presently conducted in two cases. This is through the buy-back offer by the collection of used products. Similarly, through collection of the product collection without the third-party. Altogether the design integrated forward and converse logistics net which has a resilient impact on the presentation of the headfirst logistics and the contrary.

The achievement of the used produces over the buy-back proposal from the consumers which is one of important areas which is highly looked into by decision makers. Doing this is dependent on several issues which with description are clearly worth. Calculations for this are done and proof is done to affirm them. Optimization of the same in the presence of the three way discovery and buy-bark offer are also looked into and simply expressed in a summarized table (Pankaj, Debabrata, Frank, & Magnus, 2015). The way all this functions have been verified and quantification of undefined constraints using chance embarrassed programming. However the business capacity on the making policy and collection. To choose also there is a comparative analysis through third-party versus buy-back offers. This is quite a fruitful innovation with great impact on the dispersed demand for a new and re-produced products. This has really added on the way the market has viewed all products with respect to the reformed methods of creating the recycled products for resell.


Pankaj, D. Debabrata D. Frank S. & Magnus F. (2015). Design and Planning of a Close-loop Supply Chain with Three Way Recovery and Buy-back Offer.

474 Words  1 Pages
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