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The culminating assignment for this course provides the opportunity for students to consider how the person, teaching, and ‘work’ of Jesus continue to impact the world today by using the text of Matthew and at least two other sources from the list below t

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

The culminating assignment for this course provides the opportunity for students to consider how the person, teaching, and ‘work’ of Jesus continue to impact the world today by using the text of Matthew and at least two other sources from the list below to respond to a specific situation. Students will select a case study from among those provided below and develop an analysis of how Jesus would respond to the situation using Matthew and their 2 other selected sources from the list below. Students will conclude the essay by reflecting briefly on their own resonance or dissonance with the Jesus-style response they have presented. This assignment must be submitted to (see instructions below).
Use Matthew and two of these sources to develop your Jesus-style response:

Kraybill The Upside-Down Kingdom
Service project experience and response essay
Church visit and response essay
Preparation worksheet(s) for this course
In-class activities and/or discussion
ETS Criterion Assignment- Submit to the class ETS Criterion Text Editor for writing/grammar check prior to final submission.  (No Criterion Score will be generated)

NOTE: to pass the course you must complete and submit this Signature Assignment


(Students may develop and propose their own case drawing on newspaper articles or other real or imagined scenarios but the case must be proposed in writing to the instructor no later than the Week 4 class session, and must be formally approved for use by the instructor.)

1. How to Serve?

There is a JCC service project that involves making and distributing food to the homeless in downtown Fresno. Would Jesus choose this avenue of service? Explore especially in relation to kingdom values. Include discussion of the benefits and limitations of the project.

2. Where to Work?

Discuss how the Gospel of Matthew and your other 2 sources contribute to your thinking about possible future occupations that you choose to pursue. Where would Jesus work?!

3. Whether to Move?

Your church has the opportunity to relocate to a larger piece of land in a growing part of the city. The relocation will put them in the middle of a region where new homes are being built with new schools and shopping areas. The older part of town where the church is now located is decaying. Few people from the church choose to live there anymore. Would Jesus counsel the church to move or stay? What issues would Jesus raise concerning this decision?

4. Forgiveness

One of your parents/ family members/ friends has been caught cheating with another person. S/he asks for forgiveness and desires to work through the problem. How would Jesus respond? Discuss what “working through the problem” would look like in a cross section of the relationships involved.

5. Where to Live

You live in an older neighborhood where you were able to afford your first home and it is close to work, but the house is not as large as you would like. Home prices are rising, but not nearly as quickly as other parts of town. The area is increasingly diverse in racial, economic and social categories. Neighbors voice some concerns about schools and safety, but you also have some close friends in the neighborhood. Would Jesus stay or move? What issues would Jesus raise concerning this decision?

6. How to Spend?

Your favorite band is coming to town on a farewell tour. Tickets are $100-$150 and you want to take someone special to dinner and to the concert. Other financial obligations that you are facing include a credit card bill, a tuition payment, Christmas, books for next term, a cell phone bill, etc. How do values presented by Jesus in Matthew’s Gospel and your other 2 sources shape this decision? What would Jesus do?

7. Which School?

You have been attending a school near home where most of your friends also attend. The school has an excellent reputation, but is suffering budgetary constraints and is downsizing certain academic and athletic departments. You, however, have been given the option of transferring to a lesser known school with good programs. The school is in a distant town, the costs are higher, and you know no one there. Which school would Jesus choose? How do values presented by Jesus in Matthew’s Gospel and your 2 other sources shape this decision? 

8. How to Respond?

A note has just come from close friends stating that they are expecting a baby. One friend is still in high school and the other is in college. They are not married and no one knew they were pregnant. The lack of proper pre-natal care has contributed to the baby’s serious medical condition; the degree of possible birth defects is not fully known. The couple is from different denominational and ethnic backgrounds. They are asking for support because this has caused serious stress with their families. What issues would Jesus raise concerning this situation? How would Jesus respond?

9.  How to React?

You are exiting the 99 highway and a woman is standing at the end of the exit ramp, in old, dirty clothing with a somber look on her face. You notice she has a small bottle of vodka and is smoking a cigarette. She holds a sign that reads, “Homeless Widow. No family. No money. Anything helps, God Bless.” What issues would Jesus raise concerning this situation? How would Jesus respond?

10.  How to Manage?

You are an entrepreneur who owns a restaurant employing 50-100 people. Your wait staff is all part time, but the majority work 28 hours and are sent home prior to broaching 30 hours; for you know you can’t afford to offer benefits or your business would quickly become insolvent. During flu season you notice that Denise, a single mother of three has been ill for over two weeks, but continues to work; for Suzanne knows she must work or her three children will not eat. What issues would Jesus raise concerning this situation? If he were General Manager, how would Jesus respond?

1008 Words  3 Pages
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