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God’s at the Ritz

God’s at the Ritz


 The author of the books narrates his side of the story after he was invited on live television to defend his Christian faith. An award-winning television personality, Helen Whitney requested the author to take a consultancy role in a certain documentary which she would direct. The documentary was to expose the challenges Pope John Paul II posed to modern-day traditions. Pope John Paul turned out to be one of the most outspoken Popes of his time. He spoke against most of the issues in society. Pope John Paul II termed contemporary culture as ‘Culture of Death’. Whitney aimed to prove that the Pope was wrong. The book looks at the scientific, political, and religious aspects of the conversation the author availed in the television documentary.

Key insights

According to the author’s sentiments and observations, he observed Whitney collect, edit, and analyze testimonials from numerous cultural leaders who heavily criticized Pope John Paul's rule. Some even termed his behavior as 'unavoidable'. As time went by and the documentary started to piece itself together, the author realized that most of the Pope's teaching were aligned with certain morals codes and conduct that required the clergy to seek God. As the author suggests, “Still the persistence of the religious impulse or longing for God, is truly amazing” (Albacete, 2002, 17).  This statement reinforced the things which the Pope defended would be termed 'immature and alienating' in the 20th-century era. Also, the author terms the Pope's sentiments as 'atheism humanism'. The author found himself in a state of despair as he had to question his own religious believes themselves (Albacete, 2002). Hence, the author realized that he found it hard to finish analyzing some sections of the documentary. For example, the faith segment gave him a hard time.

After the completion of the entire program, the author was to assist in citing the places where the public would meet and hold a forum on the issues presented in the film (Albacete, 2002). The places were to help the entire film garner more clout hence attracting more people to its actual launch.

The questions directed at the author were not just concerning the Pope but also about the subject matter of importance such as life and death, and ethical issues that are common to the society as illustrated in this statement, “It is precisely because Adam and Eve see it that way that they are compelled to follow the serpent’s advice” (Albacete, 2002, 23). The Pope is a representation of a particular manner of thinking or expressing thoughts hence must be taken seriously. However, God has given man a choice, to either choose life or death just as Adam and Eve had a choice.


 The author had to explain his thoughts either in line with the Pope's sentiments or his own. It was like putting him between a rock and a hard place. He had to analyze his faith, according to him, “So it is with us, according to O’Connor. We certainly have more possessions and knowledge today” (Albacete, 2002, 19). Critically evaluating personal faith sets the standards for the answers that were shared in the forum. The mandate of the author was to deliver smart answers to people who hold a different faith or even opinion. To communicate in a manner that showed unity in purpose and religion, he had to express himself and come to terms with the way people were perceiving the pope.

 In summary, the author had to focus on his desire for the priesthood and the initial stages he had passed to be where he is present. Reflecting on certain experiences gave him a chance to be more open to the entire discussion. It is against the norm to go against a sitting power, hence the author had to ensure that his statement is in line with general terms and the entire world would concur with everything that he had to say at that particular moment.







Albacete, L. (2002). God at the Ritz: Attraction to Infinity. Crossroad Publishing Company.


676 Words  2 Pages
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