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How does ABST (Adventurer basic staff training) help in my ministry as Master guide?

Adventurer and Path finder basic staff Training

How does ABST (Adventurer basic staff training) help in my ministry as Master guide?

 First, it is important to understand that the adventurer club was created to strengthen the child's spiritual, physical and social development and to build up the relationship between parents and children.  For that reason, leadership is an important element that is needed to maintain and strengthen the adventurer club. Master Guides have the responsibility to train and develop leaders who will lead the adventurers' classes such as the Busy Bee, Helping Hand and others. Thus, Master guides are required to have general leadership skills such as having a comprehensive understanding of the outreach ministry and healthy living for them to help the leaders develop an awareness, spiritual development, skills and leadership development and lifestyle development (SDA General Conference Youth Ministries Department, 2004).  In other words, leadership in the adventurer club is important, and it is the role of the Master Guides to develop Adventurer leaders who will nourish the children. 


 The Adventure basic staff training will help the Master Guides learn the basic fundamentals and assist the leaders of the adventurers club in understanding the club's policies and procedures.  Note that Master Guides are not engaged in the adventurer staff training to learn what the pathfinders do but the staff training aims to help the adventurer leaders understand the concepts and fulfill their duties as required.  As a Master Guide, it is important to engage in the staff training to learn more about the goals, objectives, class curriculum, Awards, club leadership, club organization, and Family Network Program (SDA General Conference Youth Ministries Department, 2004).  By gaining skills and knowledge concerning the fundamentals of the club,  Master guide will be in a position of helping teachers understand the policies and necessary resources needed in developing and maintaining the club.  In other words, Master Guides will act as accredited instructors who will train the adventurers' leaders and help them become accountable and responsible.


How does PBST (Pathfinder basic staff Training) help in my ministry as a master guide?


             The purpose of the Pathfinder club is to assist young people aged 10-15 engage in group activities and develop new attitudes and skills for personal growth and create a sense of loyalty for God. The Pathfinder club also builds a meaningful relationship among parents, children and church members where they build confidence and work together. The purpose of involving parents and church members in the club is to help the children learn by example and develop moral principles and caring attitudes (North American Division Adventurer Ministries, 1999).  Since young people like positive and secure atmosphere, the role of the club leaders is to ensure the effectiveness of the ministry by meeting the needs of pathfinders.

  The pathfinder basic staff training helps the master guides gain the basic fundamentals of the club such as the policies and procedures to develop and maintain the club. The training is not intended to help the master guides understand what the pathfinders learn, but it is designed in a way that through understanding the basic concepts, they will be a position of informing the Pathfinder staff members about the policies and procedures needed to fulfill their duties.  PBST will help the master guide understand the purpose of pathfinder ministry, history of pathfinding, the developmental needs of young people and the particular attention that should be offered to Pathfinders in different stages such as the pre-adolescence, early adolescence, and middle adolescence (North American Division Adventurer Ministries, 1999). More importantly, the PBST will allow the master guides to understanding the concepts and strategies needed in promoting pathfinder leadership and developing leadership skills especially the Christian leadership. Apart from understanding the importance of leadership, the master guide will also learn more on the different style of leadership appropriate for Pathfinder ministry such as the participative, laissez-faire, and authoritative and more (North American Division Adventurer Ministries, 1999).  Further, it is important to engage in PBST to learn more about club organization, club programming and planning, and the Pathfinder curriculum and club leadership.







SDA General Conference Youth Ministries Department. (2004). The Pathfinder Basic Staff Training



 North American Division Adventurer Ministries.  (1999).  Adventurer Basic Staff Training.

704 Words  2 Pages
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