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Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God?

Discussion Board Forum 4

Chapter 8 of the text involves the Michael Brown’s response to the commonly held objections to conservative application of Romans 1 and 1 Corinthians 6 by those who support homosexual relations including some Christian clergies.  His primary focus is particularly and continuously the “gay theologians”.  The view of Apostle Paul on the issue involves the relationship between God’s will for the human race. He views the practice of homosexuality as directly resulting from mankind’s rejection of God, a thing that is contrary to God’s creation order[1]. Paul lists the practice alongside other sinful practices. Therefore , those objecting the traditional interpretation and understanding of the two texts , Romans 1 and 1 Corinthians 6, are trying to limit Paul context in condemning the homosexual behavior specifically to that of objectifying or abusive ritualistic context of the pagans[2]. The response by Brown to the argument is basically to point out the lack of any evidence in these texts to suggest that the apostle is confining his teaching in such a way.

 Moreover, the other sins mentioned in the texts are sins regardless of the place they are committed.  “…Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality...” 1 Corinthians 6:9.  Just like adulterers and idolaters, there cannot be found any reason to think that homosexuality can be excused.   The response is also directed towards the arguments by pro-gay theologians which attempts to indicate that a person cannot really know the meaning of Paul’s assertion on the above verse.  He tries to dissect and explore the meaning of Greek words employed by Paul and which the apostle seems to have invented at the time. Invention in this case is in reference to the fact that Jesus did not speak them. For the term “malakoi’ he defines it as “receptive partner in a sexual intercourse involving male and male. “Arsenokoites” is defined as “men who have sex with men”[3]. Through the meaning of the words, Brown shows that the arguments by pro-gay advocates as having no foundation especially from etymological research that have been done professionally. 

He further refers to the teaching of the apostle in 1 Corinthians 6 , where those who are struggling with homosexual desires are called to justification, sanctification , so that through the power of God  they can be washed and changed , and thus , they can hope in the Jesus.  In Romans 1, Paul implies that every human is subject to the consequences of Adam and Eve’s Fall at the beginning. It serves to show that those who have practice homosexual acts represent the humanity that is not aligned to God.  Thus, humans are born into an environment where some will encounter homosexuality struggle and others will fight different sins and even temptations[4]. The design put in place by God for human sexuality is clear and thus, the revisionist theologians’ arguments are not supported scripturally[5]. The argument is just attempts to have various responses that are fundamentalist and conservative to any fundamentalist and conservative objections. The homosexuality practice is, thus, unnatural according to the teaching of Paul and does not have scriptural backing.





Brown, Michael L. Can You Be Gay and Christian? 2014.158-186

Erickson, Millard J. Christian Theology. Grand Rapids, Mich: Baker Book House, 2013. 1173


[1] Brown, Michael L. Can You Be Gay and Christian? 2014.158


[2] Brown, Michael L. Can You Be Gay and Christian? 2014.159


[3] Brown, Michael L. Can You Be Gay and Christian? 2014.158-186


[4] Erickson, Millard J. Christian Theology. Grand Rapids, Mich: Baker Book House, 2013. 1173


[5] Erickson, Millard J. Christian Theology. Grand Rapids, Mich: Baker Book House, 2013. 1173

628 Words  2 Pages
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