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Policy making environment

Public Policy Analysis

My initial thoughts for the subject are the necessity of analyst in recognizing social, political and ideological influences which operates in the procedure of policy. The environment in which the policy analysis operates should be defined clearly to ensure that flexibility is attained in a more simplified nature (Bardach & Patashnik, 2016). The impact of developing analyst’s flexibility will be a growth of ideas as well as a reduction of challenges that are subjected by technological and scientific transformations.  This will thus help in developing better social issues solutions.

The policy making environment is impacted greatly by the globalization changing pressures, cultural assumption as well as public values changes. In addition I thought that the policy analyzing environment should be changed to match with the changing social environment. This will help in developing the efficiency of the policies which will mainly be based on the social issues as well as the general interests of the public. For instance Bardach & Patashnik, (2016), states that public policies analysts should star with comprehensive and focused strategies to draw solutions to the existing issues. On the other hand Heinemann, et al., (2001), states that a shortsighted and interest based framework should be developed. Pal, (2013), supports this by supporting that the aim of public evaluation in to develop policies as well as programs accountability in generating more accountability.  This will therefore help to generate better public relations in the society.

Questions that came in my mind

In what ways can the public policies analysis environment be developed?

Are the public analysts dedicated to their roles?

            A question to clarify the readings

Does the public policy environment offers adequate opportunities for the analysts to develop solutions to social issues?





Bardach, E. & Patashnik, E.M. (2016). A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis, 5th ed. Thousand   Oaks: CQ Press FROM PAGE  12-112 & 125-140

Heineman, R.A., Bluhm, W.T., Peterson, S.A., & Kearny, E.N. (2001). The World of the Policy   Analyst. 3rd             ed. New York: Chatham House Publishers, Seven Bridges Press, LLC.       FROM PAGE 105-131
Pal, L.A. (2013). Beyond Policy Analysis: Public Issue Management in Turbulent Times. 5th        ed.  Toronto,             Ontario, Canada: Nelson. FROM PAGE 271-310

369 Words  1 Pages
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