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For mankind always acts in order to obtain that which they think good

Aristotle (Politics)

 In book one Aristotle asserts that “for mankind always acts in order to obtain that which they think good’ (Kitchener, 1999).  The use of the words they think in the statement tends to imply that people seek good on the basis of how they define this term. It implies that every pursuit or action aims at some good or for the reason of what the good has been declared to be (Kitchener, 1999). If humankind would seek that they think as being good, it means that people will seek what they see as being good to themselves. If this were true the communities, state or political, would aim at what is good and highest for all.  This means that actions taken by humankind as a political state in form of law, guarantees good order, for an individual and for the entire community

However, there are concerns with the idea that mankind actions always aim ay attaining what they think good for an individual or for the whole community. If humankind does not choose to act for the sake of something else, would there be so many activities aimed at self-harm or endangering the whole community? Humankind has been known to embark on certain activities whose products are either worse or better than those activities. in a world where cultural differences exist that have different philosophical view about well-being , it is hard to conclude that all activities done by human beings are aimed at “good”; May be for the sake of personal good but not always for the good of the whole community (LeGates, 2015).  Well-being is normally tailored by cultures, some of which have values that encourage vices such as self-centeredness.


Kitchener ,(1999).Politics Aristotle. Batoche Books. 

LeGates, R., T., (2015).The City Reader. Routledge. 252

299 Words  1 Pages
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