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There are many theories of leadership. Consider the path-goal theory and Vroom's contingency theory. (You will have to do some additional research.) Leaders must continually think of their central purposes as leaders: to define goals (develop a vision, cl

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

In completing this activity, you will demonstrate the ability to evaluate a leadership style and estimate its possible consequences.

There are many theories of leadership. Consider the path-goal theory and Vroom's contingency theory. (You will have to do some additional research.) Leaders must continually think of their central purposes as leaders: to define goals (develop a vision, clarify ways to get there), to look for obstacles that may exist, and to provide support and encouragement for achievement of goals (celebrating small wins, mentoring). In the path-goal theory, the greater responsibility is on the leader; there is not much left to the follower.

An icon of two speech bubbles symbolizing Discussion.    

Debate this kind of leadership and respond to the following:
Might this style of leadership be counterproductive over time? Why/Why not?
Be certain to integrate the readings and research from the online library to support your opinions. You must cite your sources in text and include multiple references in addition to the textbook for your initial response and your replies.

Post your primary response. Be sure to review your writing for grammar and spelling before posting.

Read any postings already provided by your instructor or fellow students.

Remember to read the feedback to your own major postings and reply to it throughout the module.

Evaluation criteria

Review the SBT Discussion Rubric located in the "Start Here" section of the course for more information on grading criteria. Keep the following points in mind:
Effect of the specified leadership style on followers is plausible and logically argued.
The comparison of leadership styles is based on important attributes and supported by research

DuBrin, A. J. (2016). Leadership: Research findings, practice, and skills (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

294 Words  1 Pages
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