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Who will benefit and who will be hurt, at least in the short run?1. The development of a cheap source of energy that was virtually unlimited, yet small enough to fit in a pocket

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

Who will benefit and who will be hurt, at least in the short run?1.The development of a cheap source of energy that was virtually unlimited, yet small enough to fit in a pocket
2.The development of a "transporter," similar to the one used on "Star Trek," that could ship both goods and people across the street or around the world cheaply and instantaneously
3.The development of special memory chips that could be implanted in the human brain, designed to impart specific skills and knowledge without the need to "learn" in the standard way
4.The development of an easily accessible information source, available virtually free simultaneously to anyone in the world, that allows both information dissemination and simultaneous communication with anyone who had the proper equipment (WAIT—that one is already taking shape on the Internet! How will it change our future?)

•Using no more than 200 words per question, complete the above questions

167 Words  1 Pages
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