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. Best suited for an administrative position as a contract negotiator, but not as a manager in charge of union management operation

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

Author a letter in which you state to your current employer why you would be:

1. Best suited for an administrative position as a contract negotiator, but not as a manager in charge of union management operation


2. Best suited as a manager in charge of union management operation, but not suited for an administrative position as a contract negotiator.

As you write your letter, be sure to discuss what each job might entail and information about your personality, interests, and background.

Submission Instructions:

Any papers/assignments should at a minimum contain 500-750 words of content (double spaced), include a properly formatted cover page (abstracts are optional), and a reference listing page with at least three (3) NEW references properly listed at the end of your work. Providing additional references to your assignments demonstrate your desire to conduct additional research on the topic area, and can improve your research skills.

With all assignments, include properly formatted in-text citations within the body of your work for each of your listed references so the reader can ascertain your original thoughts or ideas as well as the portion of your work that is credited to credible sources. It is very important to identify work from other sources to ensure that proper credit is provided to researchers in the field.

225 Words  1 Pages
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