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Select an organization and consider its distributed intelligence

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

Select an organization and consider its distributed intelligence. Think back to the systems thinking disciplines: personal mastery, shared vision, team learning, mental models, and systems thinking. Can you identify any simple rules within distributed intelligence that applies to human organizations? What might be some advantages of distributed intelligence vis-à-vis command and control leadership? 
Post by Day 3 an example of distributed intelligence in your selected organization. Then, explain how it might contribute to improving your organization or to your organization becoming a learning organization. Finally, explain any advantages of distributed intelligence for leading and managing the organization.


Bonabeau, E., & Meyer, C. (2001). Swarm intelligence: A whole new way to think about business. Harvard Business Review, 107–114.

Uhl-Bien, M., & Marion, R. (Eds.). (2008). Complexity leadership, part 1: Conceptual foundations. Charlotte, NC: Information Age. 
◦Chapter 9, “Emergent Strategy Via Complexity Leadership: Using Complexity Science and Adaptive Tension to Build Distributed Intelligence” (pp. 225–268)


Shirky, C. (2009). How social media can make history [Video file]. Retrieved from

Tapscott, D. (2012). Four principles for the open world [Video file]. Retrieved from

201 Words  1 Pages
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