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What is the significance of experiential learning in higher education?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

answer the following questions by synthesizing research with your professional perspectives on the value of experiential learning: 
•What is the significance of experiential learning in higher education? 
•What are some of the fears and anxieties you are experiencing? Why? 
•What is the value of experiential learning to a professional with or without experience? 
•What is your perspective on the Final Project you will work on throughout the entire course? 

Please be sure to apply proper APA style referencing format in your writing. To obtain full credit, you must answer the available questions as thoroughly as possible. Your answer should be thoughtful and composed using complete sentences. 

Kaplan library - 

Below is the links to the various articles


The first few days (n.d.). Retrieved from 

Common situations and questions (n.d.). Retrieved from 

160 Words  1 Pages
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