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Prompt: Using the Shapiro Library and/or your other module resources, identify one recent piece of economic legislation. Describe the legislation and determine its impact on healthcare policy and delivery. For example, you could research anti-trust laws a

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

Prompt: Using the Shapiro Library and/or your other module resources, identify one recent piece of economic legislation. Describe the legislation and determine its impact on healthcare policy and delivery. For example, you could research anti-trust laws and their impact on the healthcare industry. 

Your SWOT analysis should include a one-paragraph description of the economic policy you have chosen, followed by a 2x2 chart with headings for Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats. Submissions will be approximately 1–2 pages in length and should follow basic APA formatting for charts and for referencing any sources within the analysis.

103 Words  1 Pages
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