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Cisco Case Study Mist

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

I will also need this in the case study 

1. Introduction
2.Case background
3. Salient facts
4. Economy and industry 
5.. Graphs references 
6.. Company attributes-business strategy , vision products 
7. Swot analysis 

You will only need to answer the last 4 question.
The first four are already answered.

These are the questions to be answered:

Do you think that the Cisco team could do such a project again if they had to? 

2. Consider the role of the ERP in the overall Cisco IT architecture. How important is ERP to the overall architecture? 
Do you see the ERP component as something that will be undertaken by some, most, or all companies as they build their Information Age IT architectures? Please provide your conclusions in the Poll, along with a couple of sentences on your rationale.

144 Words  1 Pages
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